Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kitchen in D.O.N.E.!

Whaaaa Hoooooo! Our kitchen reno is complete! A long time coming - but we love it and had special help from my dad and mom, who graciously spent a few days here and did our backsplash for us. It feels good to be done - and even though we want a new bathroom put in downstairs (my private lair) we decided to wait until the new year so we can stay happily married a little longer. ha. Actually - we did pretty good - this was our first reno together (well....ever actually) - and though stresses were high at times - we talked everything through and tried not to let it get the better of us. So - we are enjoying our new Kitch and looking forward to a big family dinner to show it off real soon!

(there used to be a wall here - now we can look out to the living room)
(and into the kitch from the living room)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really looks beautiful on your photos, and I personally know it looks beautiful in person, glad its done and yah,
it is so gorgeous sc