Monday, November 05, 2007

Centerpieces – a day at the beach?

We’ve tossed around a few ideas for our centerpieces for the wedding. Our venue has some that we can use for free, but they’re kind of cheap looking and then we can’t give them away, which we’re planning to do. So, we’ve decided to make them ourselves. I consider myself sort of crafty and pretty imaginative, so why not?

I won’t divulge too much info, as some of my readers (who by the way – NEVER comment – you know who you are!!) will be coming to our wedding so I want to keep some elements a surprise. But on Sunday, Rich and I drove down to the beach by our house and set down our blanket and proceeded to dig. It was a lovely day. The sun was out and we were laughing and if his buddies had seen him they would have totally made fun of him. But that’s why I love him so much - because he humours me by doing “girl” stuff with me sometimes, even though I know he’d rather not. But I think the centerpieces are going to look great.

So, to show him my appreciation, I didn’t bug him AT ALL when we got home and he watched an NBA game followed by an NFL game. Ok – I lied – during those 4 hours I did go in once or twice and tell him I was bored. But then I decided to cook! So I went to the kitchen and made him a yummy dinner of curried chicken with rice and vegetables. It was great! Tonight we’re having leftovers and I’m going to attempt to make rotis from scratch. Wish me luck!

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