We sent our wedding invitations out last week – Thursday afternoon to be exact – and when I called my aunt the next day (Friday) to say hello, she said “wow! I can’t believe you’re calling me at this exact moment – I just opened your wedding invitation!” On Tuesday this week, two more RSVPs had arrived. Way to go Canada Post!
Or so I thought…..
Yesterday we got home from work, and I was excited to see two small envelopes hanging out of our mailbox as I came up the driveway. I knew they must be more RSVPs. I wasn’t quite sure why they were hanging out of the mailbox though – they are quite small and easily fit into the box. As I approached, I could see that they were not the crisp white envelopes we had sent with the invitations. They instead were wet, soppy, muddy, envelopes with shoe prints and smudges all over them. They were so limp and soggy that they nearly fell apart when I reached for them.
We’re not really sure what happened, but my thought is that Mr. Mailman dropped them along the way and they got strewn across the sidewalk, street, etc. and some nice neighbour found them and delivered them to our mailbox. Nothing else makes sense.
Not a huge deal. The cards inside were still legible, but it kind of made us wonder if any others were lost along the way. At the end of the day we can just call anyone who we haven’t received a reply for, but you know, take a little care man!
Oh, and my centerpieces are all finished! My bridesmaids were over on Friday night and we worked away at those (whilst munching on popcorn and doritos and a few cold Coronas - mmmmmmmm!). One more thing I can check off the list.
We also have all of our favours ready for the guests. My brother was a big help with those!
Anyway – that’s all for now…but I cannot forget to wish you a happy easter – below are some Easter Buns to get you thru’ the weekend! Have a good one! ;)
Happy Birthday to Dad...Happy Birthday to Dad...Happy Birthday dear daaaaaaddddddddyyy...Happy Birthday to Dad!!
Love you dad - hope you have a wonderful birthday you handsome dawg you!Oh - and must also say....Happy Anniversary to mom and dad...Happy Anniversary to mom and dad...Happy Anniversary to the best parents ever.........Happy Anniversary to Mom and dad!!What could be better than getting married on your birthday? Which is exactly what my dad did when he married my mom! 48 Years of wedded bliss for my parents! Thanks mom and dad for giving me the best example of how love should be. I will carry that with me into my own marriage and my future with Rich. I've been blessed having you as my parents. Love you!
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear.......... meeeeeee
Happy Birthday to meYou old fart
On Saturday evening, we had our first "wedding party" party! The guys had never met the girls, so we got everyone together for dinner and drinks. Rich and I planned out a great menu - butter chicken, coconut rice, beef patties, chicken curry rotis, fried plantain, cheesestraws (which I made myself), chow mein with chicken, and some pine tarts for dessert (pine = pineapple) - oh, and can't forget the cheesebread (homemade by Bernie X). There were also appetizers and of course, lots of booze! Everyone was really comfortable with each other and basically the whole night was spent laughing (at either rich's or my expense it seemed), but was still a lot of fun. We even ventured downstairs to the bar and did some shots together and not long after that I was outside on the sidewalk doing cartwheels. In perfect form if I do say so myself.And of course, what's a party without music right? So, up I went to get my iPod, hooked it up and the tunes started playing. Everyone wanted to hear some of our song choices for the wedding night (bridal party entrance, bridal party dance, etc.) - and if you know me at all - you know that I don't do anything without a lot of time, thought and preparation put into it. Any song that I've chosen for a specific part of my day has a meaning to it, and is chosen for a reason. So I was very excited to play the songs for them! For the bridal party entrance I found a great remixed "island" type of song...upbeat, great rhythm and with rich and his boyz being from da islands mon - I thought it was so fitting and would be a hit. It starts to play and I'm in the groove bustin' my move, and right away I see some noses start to scrunch...so I think we might go with something else that everyone will like! Music is a huge part of the reception - I mean - it's what makes the night! and that's why we've hired a great DJ who's up on his stuff. So I'm sure everyone will get their groove on.It was a fabulous, fun night with friends and family and laughed and joked and I loved having everyone together talking about the wedding and each other and all the fun we're going to have. Rich and I have an amazing group of people standing up for us - we're very lucky. :)