Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Daddio

Happy Birthday to Dad...
Happy Birthday to Dad...
Happy Birthday dear daaaaaaddddddddyyy...
Happy Birthday to Dad!!
Love you dad - hope you have a wonderful birthday you handsome dawg you!

Oh - and must also say....

Happy Anniversary to mom and dad...
Happy Anniversary to mom and dad...
Happy Anniversary to the best parents ever.........
Happy Anniversary to Mom and dad!!

What could be better than getting married on your birthday? Which is exactly what my dad did when he married my mom! 48 Years of wedded bliss for my parents!

Thanks mom and dad for giving me the best example of how love should be. I will carry that with me into my own marriage and my future with Rich. I've been blessed having you as my parents. Love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your song, and more importantly the message you sent with it, we are proud to be married 48 years, and still have that "lovin feeling" I hope it does set a loving and good example. thanks hon. SC